Presenting “The Voice of the Child in Family Law Disputes is the Honourbale Judge Brana Obradovic.”
Being called to the Bar in 1998, and before becoming a member of Lachlan Macquarie Chambers in 2008, Judge Obradovic practiced on 5 Wentworth, Maurice Byers Chambers and Denman Chambers. Her Honour was also a Senior Associate at Harmers Workplace Lawyers, and a lecturer at the University of Western Sydney (now Western Sydney University). Her Honour’s main areas of practice were Family Law, Commercial Law & Contracts, Equity, Employment Law & Workplace Health & Safety, and Human Rights & Discrimination. A strong, leading role in chambers, saw Judge Obradovic act on the Board of Directors for a number of years in the capacity of Secretary. Her Honour was appointed a Judge of the Federal Circuit Court of Australia on 30 May 2016.